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network delay中文是什么意思

用"network delay"造句"network delay"怎么读"network delay" in a sentence


  • 网络时延
  • 网络延迟


  • Effect of network delay on distributed interactive systems based on high level architecture run time infrastructure
  • An parameter is set in the algorithm , which can adjust optimization level between optimization of network cost and optimization of network delay
  • 13 alhalabi m o , horiguchi s , kunifuji s . an experimental study on the effects of network delay in cooperative shared haptic virtualenvironment
  • Then we introduce the establishment , deployment , use of the asp , in the end we study the loading - balance in the network to decrease the time - delay by network delay
  • Since the closely relationship between the route protocol and the service discovery protocol , these mechanisms lead to network delay reduced and performance improved
  • Then , in order to resolve the problem of network delay , this paper studied the transaction recognition step of data preprocessing and proposed an improved time - window based transaction recognition method
  • As the emergence of the need of transmission and sharing solid model on the network , how to transfer the solid model information effectively and reduce network delay is a hot issue in distributed cad system research fields
  • Although china telecom has planned to increase the speed of its backbone by eight folds and its bandwidth , network delay is unavoidable if the distance between the user and the website server is too great
  • 4 . through using the concept of logic balance , a high performance telecommunication switch network test chip is accomplished by using xilinx virtex 300e - 6 and the working clock frequency is up to 125mhz . this chip can give an exact test for the network delay time , throughput , network delay time dither , rate of errors and lost data
    4 )结合逻辑平衡的思想,采用xilinxvirtex300e - 6器件,为一家著名的通讯技术有限公司设计了速度达125mhz的交换网测试芯片,能够对交换网的吞吐率,网络延时,网络延时抖动,数据包错误率,包丢失率等进行严格的测试,并根据当前网络的流量大小自动调节网络负载。
  • After analyzing a common used ant colony routing algorithm , this thesis proposed a new fast adaptive routing algorithm to overcome the drawbacks of the ant - based algorithm . the new algorithm uses network delay information directly to choose path by probability . its application will minimize the delay for an end - to - end data transmission and optimize the distribution of network resources to avoid network congestion
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"network delay"造句  


Network delay is an important design and performance characteristic of a computer network or telecommunications network. The delay of a network specifies how long it takes for a bit of data to travel across the network from one node or endpoint to another.
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